At the joint meeting of BKX and NIS, the host chapter is responsible for the following items:
- Arrange and have a planning meeting with the executive secretary in charge at least six months prior to the meeting. (Mid September-Early October). The expenses for such a meeting are to be covered by the host chapter as they see fit except those involving the executive secretary, which are covered by the organization that the executive secretary represents.
- Arrange and secure housing and suggested eating accomodations for those attending the meeting.
- If hotels or motels are used, see that reservation forms are sent to the two executive secretaries at least three months prior to the initial date of the meeting.
- Secure a room for the executive secretaries. (This may be covered by gratuity but, if not, the expenses for such location should be covered by registration fees.)
- Secure room accomodations for the following:
- Meeting sessions, registration, and exhibits.
- Office location for executive secretaries (only one is needed and can be shared by the two).
- Plan the program and location of the opening general session.
- All financial arrangements for the banquet, but not the program.
- Determine banquet cost early enough in advance to determine and release individual fees. (Suggested time, no later than December.)
- Send to executive secretaries the individual banquet fee no later than December, so that information can be disseminated.
- If tour is arranged, arrangements are made by chapter but financing for tour is covered by persons making the tour unless the host chapter can arrange otherwise. (Tours are not recommended now and under no circumstances are registration fees to cover them.)
- Secure assistants (may be students or faculty)
- As monitors for sessions to admit only registered persons. (All sessions are closed except for the general meetings.)
- Typists for reports, and aid to executive secretaries (two may be sufficient.)
- Persons to operate audio-visual machines during section meetings.
- Registrars.
- Secure audio-visual machines, screens, and typewriter.
- Audio-visual machines and screens for section meetings (Projectors: overhead, 2X2.)
- Typewriter available for reports and use of executive secretaries.
- If meetings require transportation, arrangement for transportation should be made. (Finance for such transportation is to be covered by registration fee.)
- Submit a complete list of all local committees and appointees of each, including chairmen, to executive secretary in charge by December 15.
- Provide a kit or packet - brochures, local information or any courtesies.
- Secure and make contacts for available exhibits.
The Host Chapter is not responsible for:
- Printing of the programs.