Section 1. The key is in the form of a benzene ring with the letters BKX across the middle; above the B is a clover leaf -the symbol of Biology and Agriculture; above the K is a skull and crossed bones - the symbol of Anatomy, Anthropology, and Health Science; and above the X is a circle - the symbol of Astronomy, Geology, and. Aerospace and Environmental Science. Below the B is a retort -the symbol of Chemistry and Nutrition; below the K is a balance - the symbol of Physics; and below the X is a scroll with stencils extending from each end - the symbol of Mathematics, Psychology, Science Education, and Computer Science.
Section 2. The letters BKX embody the secret meaning of the Society and is fully explained to each member when inducted. The same is ever to be known as part of membership identification with the Society.
Section 3. The Key - a symbol of high scholarship, scientific achievement, and accurate research - shall be worn only by members of Society.
Section 1. The annual subscription fee for the Bulletin is payable on the 1st of September of each year. The fiscal year for the Society comprises the period September 1st to August 31st.
Section 2. All fees shall be fixed by the Society in its national meeting.
Section 1. The Council of Beta Kappa Chi shall be the chief administrative body of the Society. Its decisions shall be final on all matters pertaining to the operation of the Society, subject only to the vote of the majority of the assembled delegates at a national meeting of the Society.
Section 2. A national meeting of Beta Kappa Chi will not be considered as representing a quorum of the membership unless a majority of the active chapters of the Society is represented by at least one delegate. The delegates assembled at a convention lacking the aforesaid chapter representation cannot reverse a decision of the Council.
Section 3. A majority of the financial membership of the Society can, by ballot ( majority vote), reverse any decision rendered by the Council.
Section 4. The decision of the Council shall be administered by the elected officers of the Society, the President of whom is the chief administrative officer.
Section 5. The Council shall meet annually at the time of the National Meeting. Special meetings of the Council may be called if deemed necessary by unanimous agreement of the President, Executive Secretary, and Treasurer:
Section 6. A quorum for business transactions at Council meetings shall be a majority of the Council's membership.
The By-Laws may be amended at any time by the same procedure as the Constitution. See Article VI of the Constitution.